How much longer can we Marvel?

How much longer can we Marvel?

The Marvel machine has attacked us once more last weekend and this time on a mega blockbuster scale, breaking all known records for the biggest release of a tent-pole movie ever. “Avengers: Endgame” (or should we call it Avengers: EndAlready!?) conquers the sliver...
excel-lence in 2019

excel-lence in 2019

January 2019! Now, that we’ve survived yet another holiday season filled with mince pies, stodgy food and an inordinate amount of alcohol, It’s time to kick off our year with those pesky resolutions that keep popping up beginning of each year and make the necessary...
The Corman Spirit

The Corman Spirit

Roger Corman has definitely made a name for himself. Although he may not be the most talented filmmaker out there, his charisma and charm have managed to sway the thoughts of many and allowed him to stand out as one of the infamous if not distinguishable presence on...