Is It Worth The Win?

Is It Worth The Win?

The oscar awards for 2019 are now behind us, and while the winners got to hold their statuettes in front of millions of viewers and bask in the Oscar’s glow, the losers, most probably, put on a brave face, licked their wounds and said ‘What the hell, better luck next...
The Corman Spirit

The Corman Spirit

Roger Corman has definitely made a name for himself. Although he may not be the most talented filmmaker out there, his charisma and charm have managed to sway the thoughts of many and allowed him to stand out as one of the infamous if not distinguishable presence on...
A Simple Creative Ritual

A Simple Creative Ritual

They say that to be a constant creative in any field of endeavour you need to stick to a regimented daily ritual – doing the same thing over and over again – to allow your subconscious mind to form the habit – a routine. Alas, we tend to incorporate more bad habits...
Behold the Whedonverse

Behold the Whedonverse

For those who aren’t familiar with Joss Whedon, he’s the bloke who’s partially responsible for getting the Avengers made – Yes, both movies. He’s also a talented geek who comes from a family of writers and managed to mould himself a writing career, to begin...
An actors letter

An actors letter

Now here’s a funny idea that is worth sharing. For all the actors out there who tend to think inside the box, I’d like to give you an example of an actor, who you may recognise (but I won’t give you his name just yet), who at a young age made the audacious decision of...
Aim to be a Franco

Aim to be a Franco

There’s this virus going around which causes quite a few of us to live a life of scarcity. A virus that has to be eradicated if we are to get anywhere in life. It really isn’t much of a virus, to be honest, but more of a mental way of thinking. I call it a virus...